I never thought I'd know what it feels like to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). I'm about to find out. . .

Sunday 22 May 2016

Third Consultation, Instructions to Carry Forward with IVF, and Anti-Mullerian Test

In the spring of 2016, we called to book another appointment with Dr. Hudson. He was full up until May 2016. I asked to be put on a cancellation list. But no cancellation happened and we ended up seeing him on Friday the 13th of May.

We told Dr. Hudson that if he thought we were good candidates for in vitro fertilization (IVF) then we'd like to proceed as soon as possible since that had the highest chances of succeeding (flip of a coin odds) and we weren't getting any younger.

The price quoted for IVF was $10,000 ($6,000 if you have drug coverage through insurance). There was also a premiere package offered where the first cycle is $6,500 if you have drug coverage, the second cycle is $4,500, and the third is $4,500. This is what they have moved towards in Europe to make IVF more affordable and try to take the pressure off the couple to get pregnant the first time. Obviously stress isn't good for getting pregnant or staying pregnant (the older the mother, the higher the chances of miscarriage).

Dr. Hudson said that he thought we'd probably make good candidates, but he'd do more blood tests on me (including the Anti-Mullerian hormone test to check my egg reserves). He gave me a requisition and then I was given another pelvic ultrasound in his office. I was given an appointment to come back for a sonohysterogram and orientation for the IVF process with one of the nurses at the clinic.

I went directly to the lab to have my blood tests done. This was the start of our IVF journey.

Another blood test!

The start of our IVF journey

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