I never thought I'd know what it feels like to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF). I'm about to find out. . .

Friday 10 March 2017

25 Weeks Pregnant: More Blood Tests, Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Packing for the Babymoon, and Another Year Wiser

Current mood . . .

On the weekend, my husband was only around for just over 24 hours before returning back east to work for the week. We went out on last minute errands for the trip we'll be leaving for tomorrow (our "babymoon" in French Polynesia- for more on that see my travel blog).

The cat is not happy about the prospect of us leaving.
I spent the rest of the weekend alone preparing for the babymoon and packing.

Monday, I was at the lab bright and early to have my kidney function and lithium levels tested. I talked to the MOA at my perinatal psychiatrist's office about whether or not I would be attending the scheduled appointment with her the next day. I was to check my lithium levels online and if they were at a therapeutic level then I was to cancel my appointment and come in after the trip. Annoyingly, though I was in at 8:00 AM for the tests, the results weren't posted until about 6:00 that evening, so I had to leave a message cancelling the appointment with the perinatal psychiatrist the next day as I found that my lithium levels were still within a therapeutic range and my kidney tests were normal.
At the lab again.

The next day I talked to the MOA at the perinatal psychiatrist's office to reschedule my appointment for mid April after I return from the trip. I will of course have my lithium levels and kidney function tests done ahead of that visit as I always do. My lithium levels though therapeutic now, may not be by the time another month has passed as they have been getting lower again (and I certainly don't want to destabilize while I'm pregnant).

I took some beautiful walks this week around Victoria.

On Wednesday, I had my monthly visit to the acupuncturist. This visit instead of being on my back or my stomach, I was situated on my side. I could choose which side and since there was a picture of a waterfall on one side and a picture of the creepy fleshless acupuncture man on the other side, I chose my right side so that I could look at the waterfall. My acupuncturist put needles into my head, ear, my back, my lower legs and left me for what turned out to be too long for my rapidly diminishing bladder space. After she rapidly removed my needles I practically ran to the washroom before I even paid.  I will return to see her in a month.
Me and the creepy fleshless acupuncture man . . .
Thursday, I was at the chiropractor for a final adjustment before the trip. I'm feeling tense in my mid back and somewhat sore in my low back. I will return to see him in a month.

Friday, I celebrated my birthday and being 25 weeks pregnant, with a beautiful walk in the morning and then my husband returning to town (sick with a cold) in the afternoon. I flew around the house making final preparations and packing for the Babymoon. This evening we're having dinner with friends at my favourite Japanese restaurant in town, Sen Zushi.

We are leaving tomorrow for three and half weeks. I'm nervous to travel because I've never travelled on a major trip pregnant before (only the short week that we spent up at my husband's parents' place and in Vancouver at Christmas), but returning to paradise, French Polynesia, should more than make up for my anxiety right now. I'm looking forward to enjoying time with my husband in a beautiful locale. This blog will be on hiatus until my return, so to see what I'm up to please visit my travel blog (www.tworestlesswanderers.blogspot.com).
25 weeks pregnant.


  1. This post has plenty of twists and turns in it. It is a wonderful combination of photos and narration that gives the reader a vivid reading experience. A must read for all.
